Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, New York
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Transgenerationelles Trauma und gesellschaftliche Gewalt: Klinische Szenen im soziopolitischen Kontext. Vortrag auf der Tagung "Krieg, Aggression, Todestrieb - Erleben wir eine neue Welle repressiver Entsublimierung?" Im Rahmen der Reihe "Kritische Theorie - Psychoanalytische Praxis" in Leipizg, 06/29/2024.

Cultural Analysis Now! 'Urszenen' of racialization, money and powerlessness. Talk at the Colloquium Series "Disturbing the Sleep of the World" at the William Alanson White Institute, New York, 01/12/2024.


Psychosoziales Leid in einer Ära globaler Krisen aus der Perspektive psychoanalytischer Praxis. Lunch Talk at Sigmund Freud Universität Berlin, 05/04/2023.


Cultural Analysis Now! Alfred Lorenzer’s Theory and Method to understand Totalitarianism. Panel (with Dan Rosengart and Steffen Krüger) at the Annual Conference of the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS). Totalitarianism and Psychoanalysis, at Rutgers University, 10/20-23/2022.

“Order, but a real proper order!” Totalitarian fantasies in group discussions. Talk at the APCS conference, 10/22/2022.

Cultural Analysis Now? Lorenzer-Rezeption in den USA: Jenseits relationaler Psychoanalyse versus Ich-Psychologie. Alfred Lorenzer and Szenisches Verstehen in Klinik und Forschung. Symposion zum 100. Geburtstag Alfred Lorenzers. Sigmund-Freud-Institut, Frankfurt am Main, 10/01/22.


Alfred Lorenzer and a Psychoanalytic Cultural Analysis. Presentation and Discussion with Daniel Rosengart at the conference Psychology and the Other (Boston College) 09/19/2021.

Alfred Lorenzer’s Cultural Analysis. Presentation and Discussion with Daniel Rosengart and Steffen Krüger at the Annual Meeting of the International Research Group for Psycho-Societal Analysis (Squids), Zoom, 06/03/2021.

White Women in Group Relations. Analysis of six group transcripts. AKRI Dialogues V - Lifting the Veil: Legacy and Transformation in Group Relations, 03/19/2021.


Psychoanalysis: Truth and Dare at its Core. Panel on the work of Alfred Lorenzer. Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS) Annual Conference Truth and Dare, 10/18/2020.

Psychoanalysis as Theory and Method to (Re)construct ‘Scenic Truth’. Talk at the APCS Annual Conference Truth and Dare, 10/18/2020.

Interview for the podcast Rendering Unconscious by Vanessa Sinclair, published August 23, 2020.

(The Failing of) the Promise of Prosperity and Economic Growth as ‘Narcissistic Filling’ and Right-Wing-Authoritarianism.​Talk with Oliver Decker, at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS) Annual Conference Displacement: Precarity & Community" at Rutgers University, 10/25-26/2019.

The Freudian sexual and bisexuality as transformative forces that subvert the gender binary. Talk at the LGBTQ study group at the William Alanson White Institute, New York, 10/02/2019.


The Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma and the Sexual. Talk at the Clinical Educational Meeting at the W. A. White Institute, NY, 11/20/2018.

The Freudian Sexual and Bisexuality as Transformative Forces that Subvert the Gender
Binary. Talk at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS) Annual Conference Transformations. Disrupting Dystopian Futures at Rutgers University, 10/19-20/2018.

The Sexual Unconscious in Tension with Normative Unconscious Processes. Discussion of Lynne Layton's Talk on "Normative Unconscious Processes" at the WAWI colloquium at the William Alanson White Institute, New York, 05/23/2018.


Right-wing extremism in Germany and the US. Talk at the study group on Race and Psychoanalysis at  the William Alanson White Institute, New York, 11/16/2016.

Anti-Utilization Of Nightmares: The Unsymbolizable And The Unutilizable In Dreamwork. Talk at the Association for the Psychoanalysis of Culture & Society (APCS) Annual Conference Dreams and Nightmares at Rutgers University, 10/14-16/2016.

Scenes and Enactments in Psycho- and Societal Analysis. Talk at the Annual Conference of the Association for Psychosocial Studies, Bristol, UK, 06/29 – 07/01/2016.

Bisexuality: Freud’s Major Marginal Concept, Lived Sexual Orientation, and Experience in the Consulting Room. Talk at the LGBTQ study group at the William Alanson White Institute, New York, 04/06/2016.


(Re)Construction, Deconstruction and Resisting the Pulls for Reductionism in the Consulting Room . Talk at the APCS conference Border/Tensions at Rutgers University, 10/22-25/2015.​


Qualitative Inquiry and the Unconscious. A Look into the Experience of Mental Health Professionals. Talk at the first Annual Conference of the Association for Psychosocial Studies at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 12/16-17/2014.


Qualitative Inquiry and the Unconscious. A Look into the Experience of Mental Health Professionals. Talk with Markus Brunner & Julia König at the conference of the Society for Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology at the Graduate Center of the City Univerisity of New York, 11/14-15/2013.

Authoritarianism and the Aftermath of Nazi Germany - Doing Research with Adorno in Mind. Invited Talk at the Critical Theory and the Arts Department at the School of Visual Arts, New York, 07/09/2013.

“Don’t Blame Me!” German National Identity, the Aftermath of the Holocaust and Anti-Semitism. Invited Talk at the M.S. Program in Mental Health Counseling, Pace University, Westchester, NY, 04/17/2013.​


Between Stigmatization, Anxiety and Understanding: The Experience of Mental Health Professionals Dealing with Psychosis. Talk at the US Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Psychological Treatment of Schizophrenia and other Psychoses in Chicago, 10/26-28/2012

Antisemitismus in Deutschland im Kontext der Abwehr von Schuld und Scham. (Anti-Semitism in Germany in the context of defenses against guilt and shame). Talk at the international conference Antisemitismus/ Erfahrungen. Spätfolgen der Shoah und Antisemitismus heute. (Anti-Semitism/ Experiences. Long-term effects of the Shoah and anti-Semitism today), 09/08-09/2012.)

Economic Wealth as “Narcissistic Filling”: Aspects of National Identity in Contemporary Germany and the Holocaust. Talk at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) in Chicago, 07/06-09/2012.

Was haben eigene Affekte in der Forschungspraxis zu suchen? Psychoanalytische Methoden in der Sozialforschung, um sich dem zu nähern, was wir nicht wissen wollen ... (How about the investigator's affects in research? Psychoanalytic methods in social research in order to grasp what we do not want to know ...). Talk at the international conference "Methodenkritik - (Be-)Deutungsansprüche in qualitativer Forschung / On Meaning and Interpretation Authority: Claims in Qualitative Research" in Frankfurt/Main, 05/04-05/2012.


Potential Functions of Countertransference in a Psychosocial Research Context. Talk at the APCS conference Pathos Politics and Passion at Rutgers University, 11/4-5/2011.

Analyzing Guilt and Shame as Countertransference within a Psychosocial Research Context. Talk at the Conference of the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP) in Madrid, 06/29-07/02/2011.

Gender and Medicine: Pregnancy and Gender Discrimination in the US and German Medicine. Talk at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) in Istanbul, 07/09-12/2011.

Career Paths of Women Physicians and Transition to Parenthood in Dual Career Couples: Gender Dynamics at Work. Talk at the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies International Conference Life Course and Social Change: Interdisciplinary and International Perspectives, Bielefeld, 09/26-28/2011 / (Pöge, K.; Rothe, K.; Alfermann, D.


Anti-Semitism in Germany Today and its Connection to the Intergenerational Transmission of Guilt and Shame. Talk at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology in San Francisco, 07/07–10/2010.

Authoritarian Psychosocial Relationships and their Impact on Right-wing-extremist Attitudes in Germany. Talk at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology in San Francisco, 07/07–10/2010.

Career Goals and Progressions of Physicians in Medical Specialty – Training in Germany. Talk at the XXVIII International Congress of the Medical Women’s International Association 07/28-31/2010 in Münster (Pöge, K.; Kromark, K.; Gedrose, B.; Alfermann, D.; Rothe, K. & van den Bussche, H.).

Vereinbarkeit von ärztlichem Beruf und Famile - Relevant nur für “die Frauen”? (Compatibility of the Medical Profession with Family – Only Relevant for Women?) Talk with Dorothee Alfermann at the Conference Wissenschaft und Geschlecht. Karrieren und Barrieren auf dem Weg an die Spitze at Hamburg University, 02/19/2010.

Gesellschaftliche Wirkung queerer Konzepte (The Societal Impact of Queer Concepts). Talk with Rebecca Pates at queereinsteigen (go queer) Halle University, 01/28/2010. Audio file:


"Ein Blick in die Mitte". Zu Verbreitung und Entstehung rechtsextremer Einstellungen in Deutschland (A Glance at the Center. On the Prevalance and the Genesis of Right-Wing-Extremist Attitudes in Germany). Talk in Dorfen (Bündnis gegen Rechts, Bündnis Dorfen ist bunt, Jugendzentrum Dorfen), 10/30/2009.

"Ein Blick in die Mitte". Zu Verbreitung und Entstehung rechtsextremer Einstellungen in Deutschland (A Glance at the Center. On the Prevalance and the Genesis of Right-Wing-Extremist Attitudes in Germany). Talk in Landshut (Runder Tisch gegen Rechts/VVN-BdA Landshut), 10/29/2009.

"Ein Blick in die Mitte". Zu Verbreitung und Entstehung rechtsextremer Einstellungen in Deutschland (A Glance at the Center. On the Prevalance and the Genesis of Right-Wing-Extremist Attitudes in Germany). Talk in München (VVN-BdA), 10/28/2009.

Karriereverläufe und Karrierebrüche bei Ärztinnen und Ärzten während der fachärztlichen Weiterbildung. (Career Paths and Career Breaks of Women Medical Doctors During Residency). Talk at the 12. Conference of the Section Socialpsychology of the German Association for Psychology, in Luxembourg, 09/02/2009 – 09/04/2009.

Doppelbelastungen von Ärztinnen (Double Burden of Women Medical Doctors) (with D. Alfermann). Poster at the 9th Congress for Health Psychology in Zürich, 08/26-28/2009.

​Historische Bezüge für die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Rechtsextremismus (Historical References for the Discussion of Righ-Wing-Extremism). Keynote at the Conference "Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus trifft auf Geschichte". (Mentoring against Right-Wing-Extremism Encounters History) in Leipzig, 06/23/2009.

Gender & Medicine. Group Discussions With Women Medical Doctors During Residency In German Hospitals. Working Group at the Annual Meeting of the International Research Group for Psycho-Societal Analysis (IRGfPSA) in Dubrovnik, 06/08/2009 – 06/12/2009.

"Vom Rand zur Mitte" und "Ein Blick in die Mitte". Zu Verbreitung und Entstehung rechtsextremer Einstellungen in Deutschland. (From the Center to the Margin" and "A Glance at the Center". On the Prevalence and the Genesis of Right-Wing-Extremist Attitudes in Germany). Talk at the International Weeks against Racism, Leipzig, 03/26/2009.

Gesundheitszustand, Lebenszufriedenheit und berufliche Planung bei medizinischen Berufsanfängern – Ergebnisse der Leipziger AbsolventInnenbefragung. (Health, Life Satisfaction and Professional Plans of Medical Young Professionals). (D. Alfermann, K. Rothe, E. Brähler). Talk at the Conference of the German Medical Association in Berlin, 02/10/2009.


"Vom Rand zur Mitte". Rechtsextreme Einstellungen in Deutschland. (From the Center to the Margin. Right-Wing-Extremist Attitudes in Germany). Talk at Kirchseeon (near München), Bündnis "Bunt statt Braun" and FES, 01/24/2008


Nicht-jüdische Deutsche nach 1945: Zur transgenerationellen Weitergabe der deutschen Schuld und ihrer Abwehr (Non-Jewish Germans after 1945: On the Transgenerational Transmission of the German Guilt and Defenses Against it). Talk at the international conference "Szenische Erinnerung der Shoah" (Scenic Memory and Remembrance of the Shoah) in Frankfurt/Main, 11/17/2007.

"Vom Rand zur Mitte". Rechtsextreme Einstellungen in Deutschland. (From the Center to the Margin. Right-Wing-Extremist Attitudes in Germany). Talk at the FH Stralsund. Org.: "Kooperationsstelle Wissenschaft und Arbeitswelt MV" and the FES, 10/20/2007.